Welcome to 
The Berlin Group

The Berlin Group is a pan-European payments interoperability standards and harmonisation initiative with the primary objective of defining open and common scheme- and processor-independent standards in the interbank domain.

Learn more about The Berlin Group

The Berlin Group first met in Berlin, hence its name, in October 2004.

High level of competence

The Berlin Group first met in Berlin, hence its name, in October 2004 and currently has participation of 26 major players in the payments industry from 10 different euro-zone countries and from the UK, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Turkey, Bulgaria, Hungary, Russia, Serbia and Switzerland, together representing more than 25 billion card-originated transactions annually within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA). The participants are banks (ASPSPs), banking associations, payment associations, national and international payment schemes, and interbank processors working in SEPA.
Years of experience
Major players in the payments industry
Different countries taking part
Card-originated transactions annually within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)
25 billion

Our Themes

Our latest Berlin Group News

Any questions? Contact us at Berlin Group.